Couple attacked by flying humanoid at Piotrowski Park in Chicago, Illinois

Date 10/27/2017

Time: Approximately: 2230

Location: Piotrowski Park, Chicago, IL

Witnesses: 2 Male and Female

Witnesses ages: both were 21 years of age


We were parked in the parking lot of the community center at Piotrowski Park at about 10:30 p.m. We had just both gotten off work at 10:00 p.m. and decided to meet up at the park and spend some time together before going home. We were in my boyfriend’s car talking and listening to music when it felt like something hit his car from behind. There was no one else in the parking lot except his car and mine but it felt like a car had hit him. My boyfriend stopped what he was doing and was going to step out to see what hit his car when something large dropped onto the hood of his car. We looked, and both screamed at the same time as we saw a pair of bright orange eyes peering back at us through the windshield. The thing that landed was solid black and was about the size of a man and had what looked like wings that were spread out wide. It looked right at us and then appeared to swipe the windshield with his hand, the fingers were long, much longer than a normal person and ended in what looked like claws.

It looked like it was trying to get into the car and at us, we were both screaming as it swiped the windshield at 3-4 times. My boyfriend then grabbed a flashlight that he had in the car and shined it through the windshield at this thing. It then shrieked out loud, it sounded like what the screams of multiple people in a small room would sound like. Then It flexed its wings and took off straight up and was gone from our sight. We heard it shriek out at least twice about 1 minute apart as it probably circled the area after which we heard silence. We were both scared beyond belief and I was hysterical and crying, afraid to get out as I thought it might swoop down and attack me if I did.

We spend 15 minutes in my boyfriend’s car and eventually calmed down enough to attempt to get out of the car and sprint to my car. My boyfriend got out and escorted me to my car, once I was inside and the doors locked, he sprinted back to his car and also got ready to leave.  I have never been so scared in my entire life and when I got home, I had to go into the bathroom and compose myself before facing my family. We talked about the incident at work on Monday and that is when I decided to come home and look up information if anyone else had seen this thing. I was shocked to see so many sightings had occurred and decided to report mine.

I am willing to talk to someone about this incident, but my boyfriend is refusing to as this would jeopardize both our jobs and our families. I am willing to talk and show you the place where it

4 thoughts on “Couple attacked by flying humanoid at Piotrowski Park in Chicago, Illinois

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