Couple have brief flying humanoid sighting in Bensenville, Illinois

Date of Sighting: July 16, 2022

Time of Sighting: Approximately 12:00 A.M.

Location of Sighting: Bensenville, Illinois

Number of Witnesses: Two

Case Status: Investigated

Case Details:

I was outside with my girlfriend enjoying the pool and drinking a few beers at about midnight when we saw what looked like a large bat fly right over the top of the trees. Upon a closer look, it looked like a person with large black wings and glowing red eyes. It must have been at least 30 feet above us and appeared to be gliding with the wings not moving. We both saw it for about 5-7 seconds before we lost sight of it as it flew over the house. We were at first shocked till my girlfriend told me about the sightings of a large flying person seen all over Bensenville. We never saw it again and we were out there for another couple of hours before going inside.

Investigator Notes:

I reached out to the witness and spoke with him and his girlfriend. Both admit to having been drinking and smoking marijuana but both claimed that they were still sober when the sighting occurred and that they were certain of what they had seen. When asked if it could have been geese, they both disagreed as they said they had seen geese fly over earlier and that geese always are making noise as they fly in a formation and they are unmistakable and difficult to confuse as something other than geese. Both were interviewed over the phone separately and both stories lined up with one another. No evidence of hoaxing or deception was found and both witnesses were adamant of what they saw. Both witnesses stated that the encounter lasted only seconds. This is the fifth flying humanoid encounter in the Bensenville, Illinois area and part of the ongoing sightings around the O’Hare international airport.

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