Group sighting of Winged Humanoid in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood

Image courtesy of Vincent Richardson

I was just hanging out with my friends in the alley by the panaderia (Mexican Bakery). We use the alley and the parking lot to skateboard and just hang around and talk. There were 5 of us and we saw this thing standing on top of the flea market across the parking lot. It looked like a large man but he had wings that were wider than a car. It was watching us and it had very bright red eyes that looked like the tail lights of a car. It stood there making these chirping noises that we could clearly hear, even from across the parking lot.
It stood there for about a minute watching us, it made us all feel like we were in danger and that it was after us. It then shot straight into the air and flew over us, the entire time it kept watching us as it flew over. My friend wanted to run but we told him to stay still or it might chase us and it would lead it to where we lived. I silently prayed to La Virgin de Guadalupe for protection and this thing kept flying away from us and headed off in the direction of the arch. It made us all very scared and when we talked about it the next day, we felt that one of my friends’ ex-girlfriend might have sent it after us. She practices Brujeria and it just seems like something she would do. If it was meant to scare us, then it did what it was supposed to do as all of us were scared out of our wits.

Investigators Notes:

The sighting took place on Sunday February 5th, 2023 at about 11:00 P.M. in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago, IL

I talked to the initial witness who made the report and he stated that they usually would go out to the parking lot and alley behind La Baquette Bakery, a local bakery that has been a staple of the Little Village neighborhood for many countless years. They used the area to skateboard and was a relatively safe place to hang out without having to leave the neighborhood. They estimated that it was about 1100-1130 P.M. and it was clear and not as cold as it had been in the last few weeks. They reported a clear, moonlit night and that they were relatively alone in the parking lot.

The entity was sighted perched on the roof of the local flea market which sits on the same parking lot about 50 yards from where they were. The witness stated that it was a pitch black, humanoid shaped entity that he guessed was at least 7 feet tall but was unsure and that it had enormous wings that he stated were as wide as a car. The witness describes the creature had bright red eyes that he compared to the intensity of a car’s headlights.

The group said they felt scared, like this thing was after them and one of the group felt like running but his friends stopped him, they feared it would trigger a prey response by the entity that would have followed them home. The witness stated that it watched them from atop the building before taking flight, even in flight the entity did not take its eyes off of them and eventually flew out of sight.

When asked what the witnesses’ thoughts to this sighting were, he suggested that maybe it was sent by his friend’s ex-girlfriend. He recounted that they had broken up recently and she had been very upset over the breakup. The ex was known to be a practitioner of the Mexican witchcraft known as Brujeria.

I have reached out to the other witnesses through their friend and have yet to hear back from them, I will attempt to reach out again in a few days and any updates will be posted to the website. This sighting will be forwarded to the Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research Team for further investigation.